Nowadays, there’s no such thing as an 'average' family.
With the rate of divorce as high as it is, and young people continuing to live with their parents for longer and longer, the modern family is much more ‘blended’ – and complex – than ever before.
Wills aren’t just for the elderly or wealthy. Using an experienced professional to write your Will or help you with Estate Planning will provide both you and your family with peace of mind.
If you care about who your estate goes to, you need a Will.
It's a personal service...
As an experienced and fully qualified Estate Planner, I provide tailored, personalised solutions for both Private and Corporate clients regarding Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Inheritance Tax Planning and Estate Administration Services.
Depending on the complexity of the family or businesses that are involved, this can often include the provision of specialist trusts to ensure that the client's estate is passed to their children in the event of remarriage or to a business partner following a change in business ownership.
This may also include personal Lasting Powers of Attorney in the event of the client losing mental capacity to deal with their personal financial and health and welfare affairs, as well as business Lasting Powers of Attorney relating specifically to business affairs.

A bit about us...
The founder and managing director of Asia Zen Willwriting Limited is Eunice Learmont, BA MDA MIPW FInstPa ACILEX.

This business is all about building relationships with my clients. Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney are probably the most important documents that you will ever need, when it comes to achieving what you want to happen at the end of your life, and it is my aim to make the process of setting these up as easy as possible for you.
The office is in Cirencester, but I generally go to see clients in the comfort of their own homes or offices. As well as looking after clients across Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds, I am also happy to come and see clients in the wider South / South West of England.
I have worked as a Will Writer and Estate Planning Consultant since January 2012, helping clients secure their families' future and their own peace of mind. The subject can be a daunting one, but it all starts with a conversation.
Thanks for visiting!

See more about why Eunice originally got into the will writing business in this fascinating video interview...

Get in touch
If you would like further details on any of the services we offer, please do get in touch for a no-obligation, free initial consultation. As previously mentioned, we are very happy to come and visit you in your own home or office, at a time that is convenient for you.